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Monday, May 16, 2016

Twin Memories

I remember when we would pour sugar on ants and we thought we were helping them but now I know we were just burying them alive. 

I remember when we went to our first day of school and I was scared to be without you. 

I remember when we would explore the backyard and pretend to be spy's for a secret organization. The FBI was lucky to have us. 

I remember how you always wore blue and I always wore pink. I wanted to wear blue but you wouldn't let me. 

I remember when we put dried worms in a sandwich and tried to feed it to Scotty. He took a bite but missed the worms and then we got in trouble. 

I remember making a secret clubhouse for "girls only" in the attic and mom made us include Scotty. 

I remember when we would fight over the front seat and Martina would pull over if we didn't have our seatbelt on. 

I remember when we locked ourselves in our bathroom so we didn't have to go to school. The door wasn't fixed for four years. 

I remember when we made our first video together. "Hot Chocolate Rush"

I remember when we moved to Utah and our school schedules were almost identical. 

I remember being glad I am a twin. 

I remember wishing I wasn't. 

I remember staying up late to study for the same test and laughing at everything. 

I remember picking our rooms. You got the walk in closet and I got the view. 

I remember liking the same boy. We would call dibs but never talked to him. 

I remember when we learned how to ride our bikes and you ran into the only tree in the park. 

I remember when you would cry I would too. 

I remember singing the "Best of Both Worlds" by Hannah Montana at the top of our lungs on the way to school. It was like an inside joke. 

I remember the countless times we flew unaccompanied but you were always my company. 

I remember when we both got on student council and people stills say they can't tell us apart. 

I remember opening our mission calls and not being surprised that we both got called to California Spanish speaking. 

I remember thinking the longest we've been apart was three weeks and a year and a half is going to be a long time. 

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