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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

symbolic robotic

when i write it's like i am writting writing for myself

i don't know how to do this the "cool way"

but i am trying

that makes me human

mistake after mistake, but thats okay

im late on this post and the one before, but thats okay

im a senior right? yolo?

but i still care

it bugs the crap out of me if my grades arnt't aren't perfect

why? who knows

my brother says im crazy and homework is a waste of time


maybe not

i care what you think

but most of you won't read this anyways

i want validation

and i hate that i do

thats the hardest part about being human

sometimes i consider being a robot

but robots are boring

shutting down now...







  1. I agree that wanting validation is the hardest thing about being human. I wish I could be happy with just my own validation, but I want it from other people too and I hate it. But when I do get it from other people, I feel really happy, so maybe it's not too bad?

  2. Same, your blog is sick, i really enjoy your song too. And this post was very true.

  3. This comment=validation.

    Whole thing

  4. "i want validation

    and i hate that i do"


    I really like seeing the edits along the way.
