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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hi, my name is


the truth is I thought I would be better at this class
I thought I would blog at least twice a week and have one of the coolest journals

but things didn't  turn out that way

I have only blogged the required amounts, my journal isn't what I wanted it to be, and I have only commented once, maybe twice

But don't take it personally


So I guess I have a fresh start...kinda


My name is..raw cookie dough
My name is..sleeping on the beach
My name is..laughing easily
My name is..trying my best
My name is..always forgetting
My name is..practicing patience
My name is..hungry & thirsty
My name is..pink
My name is..photography
My name is..twin
My name is..blonde
My name is..obsessed with avocados
My name is..loves sleeping
My name is..paris
My name is..traveling the world
My name is..oxford shoes
My name is..pinterest
My name is..midi skirts
My name is..singing
My name is..fan on while I sleep
My name is..reading
My name is..journalism
My name is..archery
My name is..anthropologie candles
My name is..thinker
My name is..mormon
My name is..artist
My name is..movies
My name is..student council
My name is..lacrosse
My name is..la jolla, ca
My name is..observer
My name is..forgiving
My name is..hopeful
My name is..Latimer
My name is Serena Latimer

Theres more to me, but where do I begin
and how am I different than every other white kid that goes to lone peak?


I am a twin
I moved to Utah from California in seventh grade
I get really embarrassed when my mom brags about me
My parents are divorced, and are both remarried
I don't like water chestnuts
I don't know how to play chess
My favorite thing to do is meet new people
I am pretty shy or more of an introvert-extrovert
I love it when it rains in London
My mom can fly planes
I can drive a car
I love watermelon
I dislike cantelopes cantaloupes
I have trypophobia..search it up and you will too
I grew up watching spongebob and tom & jerry
My favorite breakfast is Swedish pancakes
I grew up drinking chocolate milk out of a sippy cup and eating buttered Hawaiian bread while watching the magic school bus on my grandmas pull out couch
I went to Gillispie for elementary school
My dream job is a National Geographic Photographer
and a mom
I will be going to BYU Provo after going on a LDS mission
and I am taking one day at a time

If you were wondering something while reading this, just ask

thanks for listening


  1. You should include a picture! I don't know your name but I might know your face

  2. I liked all the my name is...

    Here's to a fresh start. It's never too late. You are a dope photographer and you should put your work on this blog.

  3. Serena! Hey I miss playin lax with you! We should play again sometime!
